Yesterday, Cap'n Ed pointed us in the direction of a bunch of fair-weather friends who have apparently come out of the closet.
No, not THAT closet.
I'm talking about the one that ALL citizens of this country have been in for, oh, the last TWO-HUNDRED-THIRTY-ODD YEARS.
You know...the one with the Stars and Stripes on it?
Yep, it's apparently okay to be an American again, now that we finally have someone sexy in the White House.
What...All that screaming about imperialism, censorship, baby-killing, intolerance and just plain general jackbootedness for the last eight years?
All that shame-faced, yellow-streak-a-mile-wide apologizing to everyone else on the planet for allowing "the wrong guy" to keep his job?
All that...that...UNFAIRNESS???
"...Nah, we wuz just trippin'. It's all GOOD now."
If you meant it, you wouldn't have blown the last eight years not doing it, only to stand up and be counted when you think there's something in it for you.
Well, now you've got your Candyman.
Hope you don't choke on that big ol' jawbreaker he's shovin' down your throats.
How Can We Commodify This?
1 hour ago